Thazin Group

Thazin Group: Building a Better World through Responsible Investments

At THAZIN Group, we're more than just a business. We're a force for good in the world, dedicated to making a positive impact through responsible mining, renewable energy, sustainable seafood, and charitable initiatives. With a focus on transparency and a strong sense of social responsibility, we're proud to partner with companies that share our values. Join us in our mission to create a better world, one step at a time.

Thazin Group is a leading investment company that partners with reputable organizations in the fields of mining, energy, and finance across Africa and Southeast Asia. As a responsible investor, Thazin Group adheres to the Principles of Responsible Investment and supports initiatives such as the Impact Investing Institute, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and the Kimberley Process to promote sustainable and ethical business practices. Thazin Group works with renowned institutions like SGS, GIA, and Tokeny to ensure compliance with international standards in areas such as inspection, verification, testing, and certification. The company also collaborates with local agencies like the National Minerals Agency and the Environment Protection Agency in Sierra Leone to support the responsible management of natural resources. Thazin Group has partnerships with companies such as Intrasia Group, African Investments, Sahara Natural Resources, and Leonics, which offer professional services in areas such as business development, mining, and engineering. Furthermore, the company has established relationships with leading banks like AfrAsia Bank, Ecobank, and Zenith Bank, providing financial solutions to businesses, governments, and individual customers. With the support of these partnerships, Thazin Group has become a leading investment company in the global market, providing exceptional service to its customers while promoting responsible and sustainable business practices.

Global Reach, Local Expertise: Thazin Group Branches in UAE, Singapore, Mauritius, South Sudan, and Sierra Leone"